Woman on the Bus Dress

You know the one I mean

And if not, why haven't you watched Series 4 of Sherlock yet?

No, really, GTFO

I don't have a brown leather jacket to go with it yet, but the stripey dress is totally in existence now!  Mwa ha ha ha ha!  https://www.redbubble.com/people/elaphushouse/works/32654980-woman-on-the-bus-dress?p=a-line-dress

And if you want to make your own costume this way, first get Photoshop, or GIMP, or something similar.  And the good thing about GIMP GIMP is that it's legitimately and legally free in an above-board manner.

So Step 1: learn to use GIMP/Photoshop, etc.  There aren't a huge number of GIMP tutorials on youtube, but it's pretty similar to Photoshop, so you can often get the same results by following Photoshop tutorials. 

For this project, I got the A-line dress template from redbubble, opened it up in GIMP, and made another layer for drawing the stripes into.  I watched The Six Thatchers until I found some pretty good shots of the woman on the bus.  She's wearing a maxi dress, so my stripes don't go that far down, only to knee height.  Also, you can't see the dress all the way up to the shoulders, so I estimated. 

I have to make a plug here for the Spoonflower Color Map  It is dead useful.  I always make sure to pick my colors in sunlight, while comparing them to the movie or tv screen.  The colors come out slightly different on different cloth, but I use the Silky Faille Color Map.  And Spoonflower has sales pretty often, so maybe wait until one rolls around.

Then the stripes weren't quite tall enough, so I scaled the layer that had the stripes in it until it looked about right.  Then I deleted the layer that had the dress template in it, saved it that way, exported it as a PNG, and stuck it up on redbubble. 

The end.


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