Dirndl Top Part 2

I feel like there might be a Leslie Nielsen movie called Dirndl Top: Part 2.  But anyway, it's done now.  It turned out it is long enough for the sleeves, if you don't want them elbow-length like the picture on the pattern envelope.

Cutting out the largest size for the sleeves worked out for my zaftig arms, and it wasn't too difficult to get the rest of the cloth gathered into the armhole.  I pinned all the straight, non-gathered parts of the sleeve to the armhole, and then finagled the remaining amount from there.  I just made the basting stitches go a little further along the upper edge of the sleeve piece.

I did four buttons for the front, and it turns out I did have enough elastic lying around the house to do both the sleeves and the bottom of the blouse.  It does seem a little strange to me to have an old-fashioned European outfit where the blouse doesn't cover the gut, but there you have it.

I was pondering white buttons, since it's not going to show out of the neckline of the dirndl very much, but these buttons were cute, so I went with them. 

Once I dig out the dress I plan to dirndlify, I'll put up a link for it.

Part 1 of Dirndl Top: http://allofthecostumes.blogspot.com/2018/07/dirndl-top.html


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