Dirndl Top
Dirndl Top Made From Umbrellas You read that right. I am making a dirndl top out of umbrella fabric. What? All the cool kids are doing it! I heard that little girl with the fashion blog who dyed her hair gray made one. No, not really. Anyway, I'm a hoarder, and every year when I see inside-out umbrellas lying in the street, I think, "I bet I could do something with that." So I cut the cloth off of two busted umbrellas I found, washed it, and here we are. I used this pattern: https://www.simplicity.com/burda-style-pattern-7326-dirndl-dress/B7326.html#q=dirndl&prefn1=contentType&prefv1=simplicity-tools-supplies&start=8 Step 1: Go through all the papers that come with the pattern and cut out the pieces in your size that make up the top. Step 2: Baste all the pieces together. Step 3: Look at the pieces and realize they're all backwards, and take them all apart and baste them together the right way. I mea...