Off-the-shelf Winter Soldier Costume

When You Want It Fast And Not 100% Screen-Accurate

I was looking around for reasonable and yet tactical-looking pants for a Winter Soldier movie-style costume, and lo and behold, there was a pretty reasonable vest, too. I mean, it's kind of expensive, but if you actually bought all the material and sewed it together yourself, that would take up so many man-hours that just buying might be cheaper. Depends if you have lots of time on your hands, and how much you can get the material for.

I'm working on a spandex sleeve for the metal arm, but I'm not quite there yet.

I should also point out it's super awkward to be mistaken for a school shooter. I was exploring the roof of my school once, and the maintenance man and librarian came out to confront me. Don't end up like this guy:


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