Part 3 Making a Latex Prosthetic

The Stinkiest Part

Yeah, liquid latex does not smell good.

So for this, you need your liquid latex, some cotton swabs, and a fair amount of time.  Like weeks.  It's also somewhat messy, not as bad as the plaster steps, but don't do it over the carpet.

You probably will only need the 30mL liquid latex.  I bought the 250mL there because I am overly ambitious.  'Twere a grievous fault, and grievously have I answered it.

Anyway, it dries up pretty fast, so don't buy too much, and make sure you close it up tightly.

I'm going to show these steps on my Klingon mask instead of on my Kaecilius mask, since I had to hit the Kaecilius mask with a hammer to get it off the plaster face, which wasn't good for it, and I've since thrown it away.

Step 1, dig all the clay out of the mask that is stuck in it.  Then once you've got the whole thing cleaned out, you can start with the latex.  I'm showing the Klingon mold with a pencil in it to try to defeat that whole optical illusion problem, but it doesn't seem to help that much.

Anyway, now put one layer of latex across the whole inside of the mold.  Just one.  Brush it on there with a cotton swab, or with a cruddy paintbrush you don't care about.  Get into every little corner, and if you see a bubble, stab it with the cotton swab until it's gone.  Don't just pour a lot of latex in there, because there will be bubbles and all sorts of problems.  Yes, this is a thing that takes a long time, so if you decided you want to do this for Halloween and it's October 28th, it's too late and you can't get it done in time.

Then wait around an hour until the latex is dry and put down another layer. Repeat ad infinitum.

One layer at a time.  That's it.

Eventually, your latex prosthetic will be thick enough to put on your face and keep its structure.  Then, get ahold of the edge, and gradually roll it towards the middle of the mold until it is completely free.  It might want to stick to itself, so be careful of that.  I will cover the makeup in another post.

Step 1 process time: 2-3 days
Step 2 process time: 2 days
This step process time:  weeks to months, depending how often you're home with your mold.

Part 1:
Part 2:


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